May And Yam Against Pollution

May And Yam Against Pollution is now free to download for iOS and tvOS.

This is the first game I publish on The game was originally published in 2016, and I sent it to IndieCade but it got terrible reviews 😿

Last month, Apple messaged me saying that the game was going to be removed from the store, since the last update was from 3 years ago, and it had no downloads… So I did an update to make sure it runs on the latest versions of iOS, iPadOS, and tvOS, and I decided to make the game free 🕊

I was play-testing it on tvOS and I still think it’s quite fun to play, regardless of what the reviewers may think. It can get a bit difficult, but you can call a friend and play 2P, and suddenly some stages become much easier. A controller also helps 🎮

Perhaps it’s not the best way to make people conscious about pollution, but it felt good destroying those flying plastic bags and those annoying cigarettes!

The game is made with Apple’s SpriteKit and Swift, so it’s a bit difficult to port it to other platforms. But it should run in quite old iOS devices. I’m sure everyone has some iPhone5 or some old iPad somewhere at home.

Please give it a go and let me know your thoughts.


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